State Surveys
Welcome to the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation's 15th survey of states' cleanup standards for hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and groundwater. We began the survey in 1990 in response to the EPA's final rules for regulating underground storage tanks. The survey was conducted on an annual basis from 1990 until 2001, and again in 2003, 2012, and 2015. The surveys continue to be a meaningful tool for environmental professionals concerned with hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater and soils.

While the majority of states enthusiastically participate, there are always a few states that do not. This is most likely the case if a particular state is not listed in a survey. In addition, the programs of each state tend to differ and therefore the format of each set of information can be different and can change without notice. We strongly recommend contacting the state before citing survey information.
Members and state regulators may contact brenna@aehsfoundation.org for access.
Non members may purchase surveys for $99.00 each.
Prior State Surveys
2012 State Survey
2015 State Survey
Purchase Access to 2015 State Survey
($99.00 for all participating states - select "online store")